
Awake to a deep root world of dark beautiful bogs like peat. You breathe in spores. You are a fragile husk of petrified bark. You are tree sap and fungi and sunlight succulent through your tender flesh glows. You are slowed vestigial, reduced to spines. Your stomata transpire to the dawn coo of chorus.

Fired soils crack as ancient stoneware. Amputated boughs slump to heat-kissed orchard, pale dirt. Each day another scorched earth policy. The garden blooms its pallid clumps. An open wound of chronic maladies. At least the rugged weeds in fervour, and by god the all fermenting stench. You shrug off blistered skin, but Words cannot convey your faith in ruins.

To hell with garden boundaries. More dour proscriptive tendencies to dull your senses. Singed or burned, dug or doused in herbicide, you cannot be eradicated. Your ornamentals outlast frenzies. Thrive alone for generations. Ramblers trace your cottage rose across their wracked foundations. The patron saint of outside species.

Delivered from a crisis of common names, you ripen with the first blush of binomial nomenclature. Latinized your epithet lavishes sinews of scientific syntax. Rifling days upon days through abundances, ambiguities, you impossibly repeal the herball's vulgar order. Careful! Lest one slip of the tongue cite sentimental synonyms.

Countryside patina collects unevenly. Falun red, yellow ochre, weathering down to raw wood. Green algae blooming where gutters spill rainwater. You feel similarly exposed to the rough of time, as if gathering moss on bones. Fermenting a forest mould beneath skin. Your self wears a skeleton of old timber that no longer quite fits together. Warped living like doors swollen in frames.

Bryophyta gather ephemeral, perennial, steady as the glaciers cut clear through this land. Your body slumps to acid-drenched carpet of Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozium schreberi, tufts and tufts of Dicranum scoparium.

Raszy lives in an old timber house on the edge of a forest. Watching rocks grow moss. Rifling through piles of leaves. Restoring a small cottage garden, wildflower meadow & deciduous woodland.

Contact: raszy (at) posteo.net